Jason M. Osborne


:: an unavoidable

and overwhelming

tendency to tinker

with creativity

Jason M. Osborne

A Brief, 

yet Accurate Summary

Jason M. Osborne received a Ph.D in Mathematics from North Carolina State University in 2007. He has been a mathematics educator at several universities and has published a number of peer-reviewed articles for engineering and mathematics journals.

He is constantly amazed by how a few scribbles of mathematical symbology on a piece of paper can convey any meaning at all. 

When being a Mathematician proves too challenging he tries to think about the variety of ways he can make mathematics more widely accessible. In his first book, a graphic novel, On Maps and Math and Making Friends: A Curvature Story, he artfully explains in nearly 100 full color, animated pages what can and has been written by others in a page or two of black & white, perfectly stationary mathematical formulas. 

He has never once been accused of being concise.


& Invitation

Given an unavoidable and overwhelming tendency to tinker with creative software and computer code, he is currently focused on exploring the creative potential and educational freedom that a re-envisioning of electronic texts might provide to mathematics education.  

Countless hours tinkering on small projects– which you can peruse throughout this site–have culminated in his first graphic novel On Maps and Math and Making Friends: A Curvature Story which is intended to be an approachable and widely accessible introduction to Mathematics in general and Differential Geometry in particular with a twist of Physics.

A Curvature Story is a prequel and model for several other similarly interactive works that are in various stages of production (e.g. The Mathematics of Surface Curvature, Variations on a Theme: Differentiation, and The Differential Equations of Differential Geometry, as well as a Calculus text).

Please enjoy exploring the site. 

On Maps and Maths and Making Friends: A Curvature Story

(a sneak peak)

An Animated

Curvature Story 

Follow treasure hunter and future mathematician Brenna from Australia to America to meet new friend and coder Pete as they write a Not-Proof, try their hand at a Thought Experiment, and enlist the help of Tardis (Pete’s computer) to write a Real-Proof and Draw a Real-Map. All with the help of the Professor’s Indecipherable Notes.

- A Look Inside -

Book Cover for “A Curvature Story”

Interactive ToC

You are this book’s audience!

Author’s Notes of Book Viewing:

The ePub can be viewed on Droid and Apple

Let’s be clear what this book is and is not. 

It’s an animated graphic novel about mathematics.

Meet Pete

Meet Brenna

The story begins with a journey.

Brenna and Pete are learning Math for a  purpose.

The origins of Geometry is Map-Making.  So this historical motivation becomes our book’s focus.

An Animated Picture is helpful when it comes to explaining definitions of complicated mathematical ideas.

Part of the Professor’s Indecipherable Notes.  It becomes Pete and Brenna’s mission to explain these notes better.

Excerpt of the Indecipherable Notes


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